Check out Functional Family Therapy’s blog to read content with a focus on juvenile justice reform, evidence-based interventions, family counseling programs, child welfare, and more.
How the FFT Model Transforms Communities
Functional Family Therapy (FFT) strengthens family bonds and builds community resilience. Agencies nationwide are witnessing stronger family engagement and longer-lasting positive outcomes. Unlike tra...
Building Support Networks to Reduce Recidivism Rates in Youth
According to a 2022 report, some states have juvenile recidivism rates as high as 75% within three years of release for youth returning from confinement, with many probationary cases reflecting simila...
Benefits of Evidence-Based Juvenile Probation Programs
Approximately 430,000 US youth were put under arrest in 2020, with many of them entering the juvenile probation and parole system. The effectiveness of a juvenile probation program can make a signific...
Probation Officer & Family Relationships Improve Outcomes
Juvenile probation can be a critical intervention for youth who have committed a crime or engaged in delinquent behavior. By providing support, guidance, and accountability, probation officers can hel...
How Can Juvenile Probation Help At-Risk Youth?
Juvenile probation is a form of adjudication that allows youth to remain in their communities while under the supervision of the court. During the probationary period, a juvenile may be required to fo...
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How the FFT Model Transforms Communities
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- Functional Family Therapy (28)
- Evidence-Based Interventions (25)
- Evidence-Based Practices (24)
- Child Welfare (8)
- Youth Risk Assessment (7)
- evidence-based (6)
- Juvenile Probation (5)
- Troubled Youth (5)
- FFPSA (4)
- Juvenile Justice Reform (4)
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