Check out Functional Family Therapy’s blog to read content with a focus on juvenile justice reform, evidence-based interventions, family counseling programs, child welfare, and more.
According to a 2022 report, some states have juvenile recidivism rates as high as 75% within three years of release for youth returning from confinement, with many probationary cases reflecting simila...
Juvenile probation and parole systems are at a crossroads. Current systems of parole and probation fail to reduce crime, perpetuate cycles of juvenile recidivism, and create widespread harm.
Youth gang involvement is a crisis that affects families, schools, and entire communities. Across the U.S., young people are drawn into gangs at an alarming rate, often seeking belonging, protection, ...
Breaking the cycle of juvenile delinquency starts at home. Family dynamics play a pivotal role in shaping youth behavior. Young people are more likely to thrive when families are strong, connected, an...
Approximately 430,000 US youth were put under arrest in 2020, with many of them entering the juvenile probation and parole system. The effectiveness of a juvenile probation program can make a signific...