Check out Functional Family Therapy’s blog to read content with a focus on juvenile justice reform, evidence-based interventions, family counseling programs, child welfare, and more.
Changes in funding and policy often shape child welfare therapy, family therapy, and the juvenile justice system by directly impacting the resources available to families and the strategies employed b...
According to the latest report from the Adoption and Foster Care Analysis and Reporting System (AFCARS), over 368,530 childrenreside in foster care. And from 1998 to today, more than 500,000 young peo...
Effective, evidence-basedservicesarepivotalfor addressing the underlyingfactors that may lead to child maltreatment.Well-tested and proven strategiesthatsupport families in their community andpromote ...
Child welfare workforce challenges are a prevalent issue that can have significant implications for the care and support provided to vulnerable children and families. High turnover rates, difficulties...
The Family First Prevention Services Act (FFPSA), signed into law in 2018, provides funding to help prevent child abuse and neglect in the U.S. The law changes the way states receive federal child wel...